Disposable sterile hygienic materials, such as sterile syringes, sterile injection needles, sterile infusion sets, sterile blood transfusion sets and sterile infusion bags, etc. Refers to medical devices that have passed the inspection and are directly used for one-time use within the validity period. Let's share the experience of the use of disposable medical devices.
Establish a sterile device procurement and acceptance system, strictly implement it and keep records. The purchase acceptance record shall at least include: the company name of the purchased product, product name, model specification, product quantity, production batch number, sterilization batch number, product expiration date, etc. According to the records, it should be possible to trace the source of purchase of each batch of sterile instruments.

When purchasing sterile instruments from a production or business enterprise, the necessary documents of the production or business enterprise (production license, product registration certificate, business license) and the legal identity of the salesperson should be verified.
Establish a system for the destruction of sterile instruments after use. The used sterile instruments must be destroyed in accordance with regulations, and the parts that no longer have the function of use have been sterilized and disposed of harmlessly, and records should be kept.
If it is found that the small package is damaged and the sterile equipment is unclear, stop using it immediately, seal it up, and contact the manufacturer in time to replace it.
If unqualified sterile instruments are found, they should be immediately stopped and sealed, and the manufacturer should be contacted in time for replacement.
When a suspicious adverse event occurs with sterile devices, it should be reported to the Provincial Medical Device Adverse Event Monitoring Center in a timely manner as required.
Disposable medical devices shall not be reused
Disinfecting medicinal equipment, disposable medical equipment and instruments used by medical institutions shall comply with relevant state regulations. Disposable medical devices and appliances shall not be reused.