1. Read the instructions carefully before using the vacuum blood collection device, and operate in strict accordance with the requirements of the instructions
2. Try to choose a thick vein for puncture.
3. After the blood collection is completed, first remove the blood collection tube at the puncture end, and then remove the puncture needle.
4. Do not loosen the cap of the disposable vacuum blood collection test tube before use to prevent inaccurate blood collection
5. If several specimens are required to be collected at one time, blood should be collected in the following order: blood culture tube, tube without anticoagulant and additives, blood coagulation tube, tube with anticoagulant.
6. The latex cover at the end of the puncture needle can prevent the blood collection tube from continuing to bleed and pollute the surroundings after removing the blood collection tube, so as to seal the blood collection and prevent the environment from being polluted. Therefore, the latex cover cannot be removed.